The Row
"There's nothing like it, actually getting away from everything - social media, bad news, from literally everything."
- Jasmine Harrison

In 2018, Jasmine was lucky enough to be traveling in Antigua, where she was over looking the finish line of that years Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. It took her a further year and a half to take the next step and enter the race, after entering she felt relief, not the most common emotion after such a commitment.
Her goal was to be the youngest female solo rower to complete the challenge.
The next steps, were to get sponsors, buy a boat and train… simple enough, without Covid coming along and adding further complications!
Jasmine had to first get her qualifications needed to complete the challenge, including sea survival, first aid, a navigation course and a VHF radio license.
After completing her qualifications she went to La Gomera to watch the 2019 fleet set off, watching the teams prep, annoying them with every question that came to mind, making as many contacts and friends that could help her with the challenge.
It was in La Gomera where she met Argo, the boat who would take her safely across The Atlantic.
January 2020 is when Jasmine started training in the gym.
The next challenge was to get sponsors, Jasmine expressed her blessing to live in a community that offered so much support. Have a look at her sponsors below.
Due to Covid, Argo came much later than expected, but alas! Jasmine started to row out of Hartlepool Marina, the best choice for her, as everyone there was helpful and made her training easier and more enjoyable.
Jasmine completed 120 hours of mandatory rowing at sea, both during the day and at night.
Many months of training, getting sponsors, organising kit, applying for government registration and meal planning - Jasmine and Argo were ready to go!
Jasmine set off rowing on December 12th 2020.
At first, she was nervous of the unknown, her sea sickness patches not helping her, making her lose sight and hallucinate!
Her start was slow, she got caught in a storm not too long after, the storm took her further backwards than what she could ever row in a day, her moral was as deep as the water she was afloat. The storm lasted two weeks, in total, Jasmine was stuck at para anchor for two weeks.
Coming away from the storm, Jasmine was greeted with beautiful skies, magical dolphins and magnificent whales.
During the challenge there were a few hairy moments, like nearly being run down by a 800ft tanker ship in the middle of the night, capsizing travelling at 19.2 knots, losing equipment overboard, and the constant mental battle with food, not being able to eat her ration packs, instead surviving on chocolate!
Jasmine competed the row on 20th of February 2021, 70 days, 3 hours and 48 minutes from when she had begun.
If you could like to hear the full version of Jasmine’s story, head to the contact page to book her for a talk at your business, school or event.
